Setting up an Ubuntu Linux instance for Armada development


This document is a list of the steps, packages, and tweaks that need to be done to get an Ubuntu Linux instance running, with all the tools needed for Armada development and testing.

The packages and steps were verified on an AWS EC2 instance (type t3.xlarge, 4 vcpu, 16GB RAM, 150GB EBS disk), but should be essentially the same on any comparable hardware system.

Install Ubuntu Linux

Install Ubuntu Linux 22.04 (later versions may work as well). The default package set should work. If you are setting up a new AWS EC2 instance, the default Ubuntu 22.04 image works well.

When installing, ensure that the network configuration allows:

Apply all recent updates:

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade

You will likely need to reboot after applying the updates:

$ sudo shutdown -r now

After logging in, clean up any old, unused packages:

$ sudo apt autoremove

AWS usually creates new EC2 instances with a very small root partion (8GB), which will quickly fill up when using containers, or doing any serious development. Creating a new, large EBS volume, and attaching it to the instance, will give a system usable for container work.

First, provision an EBS volume in the AWS Console - of at least 150GB, or more - and attach it to the instance. You will need to create the EBS volume in the same availability zone as the EC2 instance - you can find the latter’s AZ by clicking on the ‘Networking’ tab in the details page for the instance, and you should see the Availabilty Zone listed in that panel. Once you’ve created the volume, attach it to the instance.

Then, format a filesystem on the volume and mount it. First, determine what block device the parition is on, by running the lsblk comand. There should be a line where the TYPE is ‘disk’ and the size matches the size you specified when creating the volume - e.g.

nvme1n1      259:4    0   150G  0 disk

Create a filesystem on that device by running mkfs:

$ sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/nvme1n1

Then set a label on the partition - here, we will give it a label of ‘VOL1’:

$ sudo e2label /dev/nvme1n1 VOL1

Create the mount-point directory:

$ sudo mkdir /vol1

Add the following line to the end of /etc/fstab, so it will be mounted upon reboot:

LABEL=VOL1              /vol1   ext4    defaults        0 2

Then mount it by doing sudo mount -a, and confirm the available space by running df -h - the /vol1 filesystem should be listed.

Install Language/Tool Packages

Install several development packages that aren’t installed by default in the base system:

$ sudo apt install gcc make unzip

Install Go, Protobuffers, and kubectl tools

Install the Go compiler and associated tools. Currently, the latest version is 1.20.5, but there may be newer versions:

$ curl --location -O
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzvf
$ echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin' >
$ sudo cp /etc/profile.d/

Then, log out and back in again, then run go version to verify your path is now correct.

Install protoc:

$ curl -O --location
$ cd /usr/local && sudo unzip ~/
$ cd ~
$ type protoc

Install kubectl:

$ curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
$ sudo cp kubectl /usr/local/bin
$ sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/kubectl
$ kubectl version

Install Docker

Warning: do not install Docker as provided by the and other packages in the Ubuntu base packages repository - the version of Docker they provide is out-of-date.

Instead, follow the instructions for installing Docker on Ubuntu at . Specifically, follow the listed steps for installing using an apt repository, and install the latest Docker version.

Relocate Docker storage directory to secondary volume

Since Docker can use a lot of filesystem space, the directory where it stores container images, logs, and other datafiles should be relocated to the separate, larger non-root volume on the system, so that the root filesystem does not fill up.

Stop the Docker daemon(s) and copy the existing data directory to the new location:

$ sudo systemctl stop docker
$ ps ax | grep -i docker        # no Docker processes should be shown 

$ sudo rsync -av /var/lib/docker /vol1/
$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker
$ sudo ln -s /vol1/docker /var/lib/docker

Then restart Docker and verify that it’s working again:

$ sudo systemctl start docker  
$ sudo docker ps
$ sudo docker run hello-world

Create user accounts, verify docker access

First, make a home directory parent in the new larger filesystem:

$ sudo mkdir /vol1/home

Then, for each user to be added, run the following steps - we will be using the account named ‘testuser’ here. First, create the account and their home directory.

$ sudo adduser --shell /bin/bash --gecos 'Test User' --home /vol1/home/testuser testuser

Set up their $HOME/.ssh directory and add their SSH public-key:

$ sudo mkdir /vol1/home/testuser/.ssh
$ sudo vim /vol1/home/testuser/.ssh/authorized_keys
# In the editor, add the SSH public key string that the user has given you, save the file and exit
$ sudo chmod 600 /vol1/home/testuser/.ssh/authorized_keys
$ sudo chmod 700 /vol1/home/testuser/.ssh
$ sudo chown -R testuser:testuser /vol1/home/testuser/.ssh

Finally, add them to the docker group so they can run Docker commands without sudo access:

$ sudo gpasswd -a testuser docker

sudo Access (OPTIONAL)

If you want to give the new user sudo privileges, run the following command:

$ sudo gpasswd -a testuser sudo