Armada Demo

This video demonstrates the use of Armadactl, Armada Lookout UI, and Apache Airflow.

This guide will show you how to take a quick test drive of an Armada instance already deployed to AWS EKS.


The Armada UI (lookout) can be found at this URL:

Local prerequisites

Obtain the armada source

Clone this repository:

git clone
cd armada

All commands are intended to be run from the root of the repository.

Setup an easy-to-use alias

If you are on a Windows System, use a linux-supported terminal to run this command, for example Git Bash or Hyper

alias armadactl='go run cmd/armadactl/main.go --armadaUrl'

Create queues and jobs

Create queues, submit some jobs, and monitor progress:

Queue Creation

Use a unique name for the queue. Make sure you remember it for the next steps.

armadactl create queue $QUEUE_NAME --priorityFactor 1
armadactl create queue $QUEUE_NAME --priorityFactor 2

For queues created in this way, user and group owners of the queue have permissions to:

For more control, queues can be created via armadactl create, which allows for setting specific permission; see the following example.

armadactl create -f ./docs/quickstart/queue-a.yaml
armadactl create -f ./docs/quickstart/queue-b.yaml

Make sure to manually edit both of these yaml files using a code or text editor before running the commands above.


Job Submission

armadactl submit ./docs/quickstart/job-queue-a.yaml
armadactl submit ./docs/quickstart/job-queue-b.yaml

Make sure to manually edit both of these yaml files using a code or text editor before running the commands above.

queue: $QUEUE_NAME

Monitor Job Progress

armadactl watch $QUEUE_NAME job-set-1
armadactl watch $QUEUE_NAME job-set-1

Try submitting lots of jobs and see queues get built and processed:

Windows (using Git Bash):

Use a text editor of your choice. Copy and paste the following lines into the text editor:


for i in {1..50}
  armadactl submit ./docs/quickstart/job-queue-a.yaml
  armadactl submit ./docs/quickstart/job-queue-b.yaml

Save the file with a “.sh” extension (e.g., in the root directory of the project. Open Git Bash, navigate to the project’s directory using the ‘cd’ command, and then run the script by typing ./ and pressing Enter.


Open a text editor (e.g., Nano or Vim) in the terminal and create a new file by running: nano (replace “nano” with your preferred text editor if needed). Copy and paste the script content from above into the text editor. Save the file and exit the text editor. Make the script file executable by running: chmod +x Run the script by typing ./ in the terminal and pressing Enter.


Follow the same steps as for Linux, as macOS uses the Bash shell by default. With this approach, you create a shell script file that contains your multi-line script, and you can run it as a whole by executing the script file in the terminal.

Observing job progress


$ armadactl watch queue-a job-set-1
Watching job set job-set-1
Nov  4 11:43:36 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobSubmittedEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:43:36 | Queued:   1, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobQueuedEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:43:36 | Queued:   1, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobSubmittedEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:36 | Queued:   2, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobQueuedEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:38 | Queued:   1, Leased:   1, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobLeasedEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:43:38 | Queued:   0, Leased:   2, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobLeasedEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:38 | Queued:   0, Leased:   1, Pending:   1, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobPendingEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:43:38 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   2, Running:   0, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobPendingEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:41 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   1, Running:   1, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobRunningEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:43:41 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   2, Succeeded:   0, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobRunningEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m
Nov  4 11:44:17 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   1, Succeeded:   1, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobSucceededEvent, job id: 01drv3mf7b6fd1rraeq1f554fn
Nov  4 11:44:26 | Queued:   0, Leased:   0, Pending:   0, Running:   0, Succeeded:   2, Failed:   0, Cancelled:   0 | event: *api.JobSucceededEvent, job id: 01drv3mey2mzmayf50631tzp9m

Web UI:

Open in your browser.

Lookout UI